
Praxis Conversations in partnership with the Bridge Alliance launched the Praxis program in January with a half day workshop. Featuring lay and clergy faith leaders committed to justice, mercy, and humility, as they lead in the contentious election season ahead. A subscription-based program, new content will be added throughout the 2024 election season. Especially suited for those who are in purple spaces, whether those are in your congregation, community, or family, the session are conversations between two leaders living faithfully into the difficult election ahead.

Subscribers have access to all Praxis conversations, past present and future.

If you have not subscribed to the on-going Praxis series, you can access all past and future content by signing up at the Praxis site. For those who are enrolled, a ZOOM invite will be sent out ahead of each session.

To learn more, or to find out about the special alum discount, contact Steve Lawler–

These conversations will bring you Eden alumni, poets, community organizers, and pastors in conversations about how they are negotiating the difficult 2024 election season that lies ahead.

 Upcoming conversations are: