Eden Certificates and Community Learning Programs provide resources for formation and theological engagement for leaders and communities aligning with the Progressive Christian Movement, engaging intersections of faith leadership with business and government, congregational life, and community organizing. A variety of programs and events are available for those seeking an introduction or deeper engagement on a specific topic, working with your ministerial authorizing body on particular credentials or capacities, or meeting qualifications for your organization’s Continuing Education Units. Explore options now.
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Self-Assessment Tool
This tool is designed for anyone seeking authorized ministry in the United Church of Christ. Your Committee on Ministry may have requested you complete this tool as part of your authorization process if you are coming to the UCC through Multiple Paths, Dual Standing, Privilege of Call, or the Member In Discernment Process. If you want to know more before registering or have questions, please contact us at marks@eden.edu.

Ministry Resources and Lifelong Learning
Resources in this section accompany you in your journey of ministry formation and support and personal enrichment. People preparing for authorized ministry through multiple paths, clergy seeking continuing education, congregation members with interest in a particular topic for lifelong enrichment all will find educational and community building opportunities here. This is the place to look for boundary training and anti-racism training. Courses and cohorts are offered in a variety of lengths and formats. They are are open to anyone with interest in a topic. If you want to know more before registering or have questions, please contact us at networkmodel@eden.edu.

Ministry Cohorts
Ministry cohorts allow you to sample many theological themes, offering peer learning with your ministry context in mind. Scholars have chosen a specific lens on a particular topic and share their expertise through digital content you watch on your own time. Four monthly online meetings are interspersed, where you and your cohort members gather for facilitated discussion with an experienced church leader. Cohorts support lifelong learning and are for anyone- authorized clergy, chaplains, Christian educators, lay leaders and anyone interested in the topic. UCC members will recognize the Mark for Ministry woven throughout the cohorts, though anyone from any denomination, or no denomination, is welcome to attend.

Walker Leadership Institute
Working at the intersection of faith and business, the Walker Leadership Institute equips business leaders with skills and experiences to guide their organizations in better serving the Common Good. The Institute partners with other academic, religious, and business groups to put together workshops, conferences and forums to identify, encourage, and activate community leadership. Our goal is to empower and connect communities. If you want to know more before registering or have questions, please contact us at slawler@eden.edu.
Center for Lived Faith and Organizing
The Center for Lived Faith and Organizing supports people of faith engaged deeply in transforming the world through community and cultural organizing grounded in theology and faith. The Center educates, trains, and connects communities with local and regional partners for long-term and sustainable ministry in organizing and justice work. Workshops are great for congregations or community teams! The Center of Lived Faith and Organizing is a partnership of Eden Theological Seminary with the United Church of Christ Justice and Local Church Ministries and funded by a generous grant from the Fetzer Foundation. For more information, contact us at livedfaith@eden.edu.

Next Steps
For those exploring vocation around the time of retirement. NEXT Steps introduces participants to theological, philosophical, and psychological concepts of vocation and aging. It is a gathering for adults contemplating or entering retirement, and for those who are recently retired. If you want to know more before registering or have questions, please contact us at slawler@eden.edu or jschantz@eden.edu.