Exploring the United Church of Christ

Exploring the United Church of Christ

An overview of the birth, development, structure, beliefs, values, and ethos
of the United Church of Christ.  Participants will get an overview of the five major streams that contributed to the UCC, how our Congregational polity works, understand some important UCC beliefs, and discuss how the UCC views scripture.
This course is open to anyone, and it is part of the Faith Formation Leadership Training and Certification program of the Southern New England Conference United Church of Christ. Please be aware it does not meet the polity requirements for a Member in Discernment.
Participants can attend either Saturday October 28, 2023, or Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 8:30am-12:30pm EST on Zoom. Registration closes 24 hours before each session.
Participants will register through Eden Theological Seminary, pay the $45 fee, and gain access to Brightspace, where they will choose their own login and password.  All materials and Zoom link will be posted in Brightspace.

An overview of the birth, development, structure, beliefs, values, and ethosof the United Church of Christ.  Participants will get an overview of the five major streams that contributed to the UCC, how our Congregational polity works, understand some important UCC beliefs, and discuss how the UCC views scripture.

This course is open to anyone, and it is part of the Faith Formation Leadership Training and Certification program of the Southern New England Conference United Church of Christ. Please be aware it does not meet the polity requirements for a Member in Discernment.

Participants can attend March 23, 2024, from 8:30am-12:30pm EST on Zoom. Registration closes 24 hours before session.

Participants will register through Eden Theological Seminary, pay the $45 fee, and gain access to Brightspace, where they will choose their own login and password.  All materials and Zoom link will be posted in Brightspace.  Course access will be available 30 days prior and 30 days following the offering.